Prenatal | Childbirth | First Years

Maternity Navigation

  • This is the gateway to all our programs and services. Whatever you need as a parent in Indian River County, our Maternity Navigator will be happy to help guide you.

    Individual assessments and planning sessions are developed and tailored into a perinatal plan that includes Healthy Start, community resource identification and support options during pregnancy and throughout the postpartum period.

    Areas of Focus:

    • Care satisfaction

    • Program referral

    • Building awareness around community resources

    Contact a Maternity Navigator today at 772-268-7420

Babies & Beyond

  • The Babies and Beyond program is a four-tiered approach, which provides support and education for mothers from the prenatal period through postnatal phase and beyond.

    Areas of Focus:

    • Provides all pregnant women in IRC free prenatal education classes

    • Offers Certified Lactation Counselors within Cleveland Clinic IRC to provide bedside support to each mom that delivers at the hospital

    • Provides a Registered Nurse who will offer mom and baby a nurse home visit after hospital discharge

    • Referrals to additional programs, developmentally appropriate playgroups and classes

    To learn more about eligibility requirements for this program, contact a Maternity Navigator at 772-268-7420.

Fatherhood Initiative (T.E.A.M. Dad)

  • T.E.A.M. DAD

    Teaching, Empowering, Advocating, & Mentoring Dads

    Providing education and support to fathers and father figures through group education and one-on-one support to help reduce infant and maternal mortality.

    Areas of Focus and Support:

    • Individualized fatherhood support

    • 12-week home visitation program designed to empower fathers to understand the benefits of their role in their child's life.

    • Group fatherhood support

    • Weekly fatherhood group

    Discussion topics for both individualized and group Include:

    • How to prepare for birth

    • Improving relationships & parenting skills

    • Parenting knowledge

    • Creating a positive attitude toward parenting

    To learn more about eligibility requirements for this program, contact Mike Felton, Fatherhood Engagement Coordinator at 772-269-2905.

G.R.O.W. Doula Program

  • The G.R.O.W. (Guidance. Resource. Openhearted. Wisdom.) Doula Program supports, educates, and empowers pregnant women to take control of their health. A Doula is a non-medical professional who provides continuous physical, emotional, and informational support to a mother before, during and shortly after childbirth, to help her achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible.

    Areas of Focus:

    • Relationships built by ongoing communication during pregnancy, including home visits

    • Prenatal Educational Support

    • Prenatal Home visits

    • Continuous support during labor

    • Support for 1 hour after birth

    • Postnatal support to the new mother and infant, 2-3 visits

    To learn more about eligibility requirements for this program, contact a Maternity Navigator at 772-268-7420.

Health Education

  • Free voluntary home-visiting program providing education to pregnant women and families up until their child’s 1st birthday.

    Areas of Focus:

    • Healthy pregnancy education (nutrition, mental health, provider recommendations)

    • Interconception education and counseling (tobacco education and cessation)

    • Healthy baby and development education (immunizations, child check-ups, feeding support)

    To learn more about eligibility requirements for this program, contact a Maternity Navigator at 772-268-7420.

Healthy Families

  • Healthy Families is a free home visitation program designed to promote parenting education and healthy child development up until age 5. This program is designed to empower families to be self-sufficient through individualized parent coaching and support.

    Areas of Focus:

    • Child development

    • Parent, family & early childhood health/safety education

    • Promoting positive parent child interaction

    To learn more about eligibility requirements for this program, contact a Maternity Navigator at 772-268-7420.

Nurse Family Partnership

  • Empowerment program for first time pregnant moms, earlier than 28 weeks. Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) helps mothers engage in preventative health practices through early prenatal care, improving diets, and reducing risk factors.

    Areas of Focus:

    • Weekly home visits by a trained RN during pregnancy and up until the baby is 2 years old

    • Preventative health practices

    • Improving diet and other health risks

    • Assisting parents in providing responsible care

    To learn more about eligibility requirements for this program, contact a Maternity Navigator at 772-268-7420.

Parents As Teachers

  • Provides parents of infants and toddlers with established and emerging research on how nurturing interactions shape a baby's mind and how this is essential for a child's success in school and life. Support starts during pregnancy and extends until your child’s 3rd birthday.

    Areas of Focus:

    • Education to increase parental knowledge of early childhood development

    • Build stronger attachment between child and caregiver

    • Early detection of developmental delays and health issues

    • Increase school readiness and success

    To learn more about eligibility requirements for this program, contact a Maternity Navigator at 772-268-7420.

Healthy Communities

  • The Healthy Communities program (formerly known as the P.E.A.C.E. program) goal is to train and support community members and professionals on Maternal/Paternal Mental Health. This helps create a large community network of support and education for pregnant women, their partner, and their families.

    Areas of Focus and Support:

    • Maternal & Paternal Mental Health

    • Pre & Postnatal Bereavement

    • Preconception Health

    • Community Education and Initiatives Trainings

    To learn more about this program, contact