Free Community Trainings

Healthy Communities Program: Initiatives and Training Implementation
The Community Action Group (C.A.G.) conducted through the IRCHSC Fetal Infant Mortality Review, identified a need within our community to serve and provide support for the other parent/caregiver, improve preconception health, awareness, and education on issues affecting newborns, mothers, and families and enhanced care for women with high-risk pregnancies.
These priorities identified through our C.A.G. are opportunities for positively impacting birth outcomes for babies born in Indian River County. In addition, there is a significant need for community education, specifically surrounding preconception health, safe baby practices, perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, and bereavement.
The Healthy Communities Program (formerly known as the P.E.A.C.E. program) is designed to enhance the IRC Healthy Start system of care by streamlining initiatives that involve a primary focus on education and outreach. This program will increase local capacity to address the mental, physical, and emotional needs of pregnant mothers, partners, and families through direct education and outreach.
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